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5 Interesting Facts That Will Make You Fall In Love With Leggings

The first and foremost tip of looking fashionable is that if your outfit should suit your body. People often make a mistake of wearing clothes that are in trend but doesn’t suit their body type. It is not about focusing what is in vogue but what looks good on you. Little details also play an important role in an outfit. One can add a twist to their look with a few style accessories. There are people who feel fashion is wearing stylish clothes and keeping up with the latest trends whereas in reality, fashion is all about feeling comfortable in what you wear. A pair of leggings is one outfit that makes you look stylish and also keeps you comfortable. If you are not comfortable with a pair of leggings,

Here are the 5 interesting facts that will make you fall in love with leggings

1. Style it your way

You can play around with various colours and looks. Your choice of colours should depend on your skin, body and most importantly the occasion. When it comes to festivals and family gatherings, women choose lively colours like red, green, blue and yellow as they are high on energy and perfectly match the spirit of an occasion. You can opt for colours like white, black and grey during those formal functions. With a variety of colours and designs, leggings let you choose a new look every time.

2. Leggings are Timeless

This is one outfit that always makes a glamorous comeback and never disappoints. There is always some kind of a variation in this outfit. It is a must have in the wardrobe of every women. Leggings and tights in a women’s wardrobe are as essential as a pair of jeans in a man’s wardrobe.

5 Interesting Facts That Will Make You Fall In Love With Leggings

3. Leggings have Replaced Denims

Leggings were also known as tight pants. Leggings were introduced in black and later on basic colours. Most women chose a pair of leggings over denims to flaunt their amazing body shape. Leggings soon became a rage and as black did not do justice to the choice of youth; this garment was soon introduced in a wide range of colours. Leggings and tights were available in both bright and dark colours.

4. Leggings for Casual Wear and Jeggings for Party Wear. What more?

Leggings are extremely versatile that they perfectly match both western and traditional outfits. Whether you are planning to wear a kurta or a top, a pair of leggings would be your best bet. Of late, neon leggings have been very much in trend and are considered as a favourite amongst youth. Women must own an array of leggings and tights in their wardrobe in terms of styles and colours as it easier to blend with a top or a traditional kurti of any colour.

Recently, jeggings have replaced the conventional leggings. Jeggings is a combination of jeans and leggings. The look of jeggings closely resembles to a pair of jeans but the material and feel of jeggings is just like leggings. Jeggings was an instant hit amongst women who couldn’t fit in a pair of jeans as sizing was a big hurdle.

5. Celebrities Love It

Famous personalities from TV and cinema have also been sporting a pair of leggings. Hollywood actresses wore animal print leggings along with their lovely designer tops. Trends will come and go in terms of prints and style but a pair of leggings and tights will never go out of fashion just like your good old denim jeans.