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4 Security Measures For Your San Diego Business

4 Security Measures For Your San Diego Business

San Diego is a great place to open a business.  With year-round tourism and a high median income of its residents, there’s money to be made.  Just like any other place to have a business, however, you have to protect yourself from the security pitfalls that may threaten your business.  Employing security services from San Diego may be one step, but insuring your company and protecting your online profile are also things you need to consider.

Protecting Your Company Online

Security measures aren’t just for the physical San Diego address of your company.  If you have any sort of presence in the digital space, whether that means an online store or online banking, you need to make sure that you keep your finances protected from dangers such as hackers and identity thieves.  Educate yourself on the perils of handling your business online and stick with companies that you can trust.  If you expect to handle a lot of transactions over the internet, set your company up with a commercial Paypal account, so your banking information can be protected.

Invest in a High-End Security System

San Diego may be one of the safest cities in America, but in 2010, over 30,000 property crimes were committed, which consisted of mostly burglaries and larceny theft.  Protecting your place of business should center on the security system that you put in place to keep a watch over things when you’re not around.  Depending on what kind of establishment you have, your security system can vary.  For example, if you own a jewelry store in the Gaslight District, you will want to work with security services in San Diego that can provide alarms for the glass cases.  It’s also a good idea to install security cameras, so that if you are robbed, it can give you a better chance to catch the culprit.

Make Regular Bank Deposits

The safest place for your business’ money to reside is in a bank, and while you would assuredly have a commercial bank account, you may want to consider frequent trips to the bank in order to keep your money safe.  It goes without saying that the less money you have on your property, the less money can be stolen out of cash registers or safes, so whether you go daily or three times a week, it’s a good idea to make a schedule and stick with it.

Insure What You Can’t Afford to Lose

The savvy business owner has a backup plan, and in case the security system you have in place lets you down, you should have something already in place to help you out.  Taking out an insurance policy to cover you in case of theft should be one of the first things you consider.  Major loss of merchandise through theft can sink a business, so you wouldn’t want to be one of those people that go without it.  Just like the insurance you’d want to protect your business from the earthquakes and mudslides that can occur in San Diego, so should you protect your business from those with sticky fingers.

While you’re in the business of making money, you shouldn’t let security stray too far from your mind.  Protecting your business with the property security measures can keep you from losing substantial amounts of money.

Derek has worked in the corporate world for nearly 20 years and enjoys biking around his San Diego neighborhood.