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What to expect from corporate football hospitality

Corporate hospitality at a top football match can be a fun and exciting way to watch the game but what can you expect on the day?
The History
Football began to realise the potential of corporate hospitality when the game was arguably at its lowest ebb. In the mid 1980’s the sport was hit by constant instances of major hooliganism and subsequent dwindling attendances that left many clubs on the brink of closure.
While the government and the game’s official body began to tackle the violence issue, the individual clubs began to attract new sponsors via the football corporate hospitality route and while many stadiums had to be redesigned, the endeavour was well worth it in terms of the revenue that followed.
The Revolution Begins
Some of the best known companies in the UK and beyond flocked to offer football corporate hospitality and their employees and customers were happy to be a part of the new experience. In time, the game in England was revolutionised even further with the inauguration of the Premier League in 1992 and the money that now comes into the game has banished those impoverished days of the mid 1980’s forever.
What to Expect
But if you’ve been invited to enjoy corporate hospitality, what can you expect from your day out? If you’re a true fan, the first and arguably the greatest benefit is the best possible view of the action. Corporate hospitality boxes are located at the best height and are unimpeded by posts and pillars to give you the best possible vantage point to watch the action.
For most supporters, that is the one major feature that makes corporate entertainment at a game seem so attractive. However, there are other benefits so be prepared to be treated to a fantastic all-round experience.
Taking a game with an afternoon kick off   3pm or 4pm   as an example, you would normally arrive a few hours before the start to be greeted by a high quality lunch. Catering is seen as a vital part of corporate hospitality and like other areas of the ground, you can also expect to receive a wide selection of drinks   beer and wine included.
You should also receive a free match day programme and, depending on who the particular sponsor may be, you could find all sorts of corporate goodies pertaining to their business. It’s also a great opportunity to catch up with some old friends and colleagues and if you are attending from a business point of view, corporate hospitality events such as these are an excellent place to establish some new contacts and to develop your profile a little further.
Above all, it’s about the game and football corporate hospitality gives you a unique and certainly very different way of enjoying a match. There’s that perfect view along with a host of other benefits so it’s certainly worth looking out for an opportunity and if you work in the hospitality sector, this is an occasion that your clients and colleagues will find truly memorable.
Alex Collins is a freelance football journalist who has also covered the hospitality sector for a number of publications. You can click on this page to see other examples of articles related to football hospitality across the web.