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What Do You Need To Know About Mobile Phones When It Comes To Advertising?

What Do You Need To Know About Mobile Phones When It Comes To Advertising?

In case you are not aware, mobile advertising campaigns are a big deal these days. It used to be that simply moving from print to the internet when it comes to advertising was a big deal — this is why newspapers are a dying medium now, because advertisers are no longer flocking to them. So then advertising money went to the web. Now that same money is going to mobile advertising campaigns.

Think about it. More and more people are moving from desktop and laptop computing to having so much of their internet use coming from their phones. Between the iPhone, Samsung Galaxy, and other android phones, there is a generation of computer users who have literally grown up using their phones for their internet use. Of course, older generations are also using their mobile phones more than ever. When you go out in public, you will see how downright addicted many people are when it comes to mobile phones. They sometimes literally choose looking at their phones over talking to the people in front of them!

Mobile Advertising is Bigger than Ever

So that means that mobile advertising campaigns are critically important if you want to reach your perfect customers — those most likely to buy your product or service. There are a variety of ways to do so — mobile banner ads and the like — but one of the best ways to do so is with email advertising.

After all, what are so many people using those mobile phones for — to send and receive emails!  Did you know that email is one of the most popular “apps” when it comes to mobile phone use?  So that means that if you want to reach customers, you can do so through email?

How email Marketing Works

Email marketing takes several forms. You can send out promotional emails for your business to customers on your mailing list. You can also have email ads run in other email newsletters that can tell people about their product and service. There are a variety of ways that you can get those emails in the email newsletters and such.

One of the things you need to know when it comes to email marketing is that some email ad platforms, like LiveIntent, are dynamic, and will refresh the ads with newer content as time advances. For example, you can buy an ad to promote a Columbus Day sale in a newsletter, and have the ad changed for Thanksgiving or even Christmas sales, if the person does not open the emails until later on.  So that can help increase the reach of the emails.

In addition, with an email marketing platform, depending upon the company, you may only have to pay for the ad upon open. So that means that you do not have to pay for ads if the person does not open the email. With this way, you only pay for the ads when the recipient opens the email. This can also help get you more bang for the buck when it comes to your mobile advertising campaigns.

And finally, with email marketing, you can reach your potential customer, no matter where they are — desktop, laptop or mobile. It is something to consider. Good luck.