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Spruce Up Your Marketing Strategy: Improve The Rankings Of Your E-Commerce Site

The proliferation of E-Commerce websites has created a greater need for companies to hone their strategies to stay competitive.
One of the most essential tools in your arsenal of strategies is to know how to increase your website’s SERP rankings upon publishing content on the various platforms that your company utilizes.
Here are a few important things to include in your strategy to ensure that your content stands out in the crowd:

Tailored Content

Creating dynamic and compelling content is a sure-fire way to attract consumers to your website. New content should be published on a daily basis to the various company web assets, social media platforms, as well as on your personal website.
Be sure to write the content to suit the demographics of your audience on the channels you are using. Schedule your content to be published at the most opportune time that your potential customers will be online. Facebook has more visitors in the evening and on certain days of the week.
Software tools are available to assist you in determining what content to write and when to schedule it by finding relevant articles related to your industry and sending you notifications.

Lead Generation From Content

Content such as case studies, press releases, blogs and research articles are a great way to fill the the sales funnel with high quality sales leads.  When writing your content, keep the following in mind to generate leads and to improve your search engine rankings:

The heading should be compelling enough to grab a reader’s attention so they will continue to read.  The wording should be as specific as possible to the content of the article.  People like to skim read so it is important for the sub-headings to be meaningful.  A reader may want to zero in on a specific paragraph and having relevant sections encourages them to continue reading.

Bullets are a great way to emphasize critical elements of the article.  Mixing up bullets with paragraphs adds nice variety to content and is more pleasing to the eye.

Writing with specific key words that relate to your product or services will increase the chances of it getting picked up by search engines.  For example, write to a specific season if you are selling products for Christmas. If you are targeting a certain geographic location, include the location in your content.  If you are after a certain vertical market, include those key words in your article.

When including an image in your article, it is important to include the Alt tag as part of the image tag.  This text will describe the image that is being downloaded.  Some people turn off the image downloads because they don’t have the bandwidth or they may be visually impaired.
Another more important reason is to allow the search engines to read the text since they can’t read images.  Don’t forget to include images in content that is published on social media.  This is a proven method to engage consumers!

If you imbed a video in your article, be sure that it is specific to the article. The title, alt text, and meta description should be as descriptive as possible and contain keywords that a viewer may use in their search.  Keep in mind that if you are going to upload to Youtube, Google will shorten your description to the first 156 characters so include your keywords in this section.
By following these guidelines, you will see an improvement in your rankings for the most popular search engines.  Stay informed on emerging trends and always be on the leading edge to stay one step ahead of your competition.

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Eunice David is the Marketing Coordinator of Adhere Creative, an inbound marketing agency. She is responsible for content management and social media strategies for a plethora of business to business clients. She graduated with a BA in International Development and is a polyglot. You can connect with her on Linkedin.