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Some Handy Tools To Expand Short URLs

You have come across may short url links on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn or any social networking websites although have you anytime speculate that these links are safe to use or whether talk to you to the safe websites The may guide you straightforwardly to several destructive viruses related websites. It is not compulsory, except as an indicator of security provision to go into your short link mentioned on the website to shun Trojan, malware, and dangerous viruses there in these small url links.


LongURL is an internet website that permits consumers to discover the definite website where these small URL links is taking you to; you by no means identify where the small URL links are taking you in anticipation to unwrap them. Presently,LongURL website maintains the subsequent small connecting facilities like,,,,,, and many more. To discover where the small url link is transmitting you, go into the small url link and put in the space bar given on the website and hit it off on the “enlarge” key to enlarge the small link into a big url link, which demonstrate you precisely to which internet website is taking to by following it.

Where does this link go:

If you desire to utilize a tremendous basic online website in finding out the source of the small URL link, then it is advisable to use Where Does This Link Go. This website has an astonishingly basic consumer friendly edge building the entire procedure effortless and most importantly speedy. Just insert the short url link into the space given for and the website will involuntarily show you the link where the small url link transmits you. In case the short link is dappled, then it is better not to visit. If the website appears as you desired then feel free to visit the website.


It is an online internet website where consumers can put on their small URL links and discover the right target of the small link. If the small link confirms you to take you to a reliable website, then in that case just hit it off the “Follow” key to chase the short URL link. You just require to hit the “Peel” key following to inserting the small URL link into the space mentioned for URL pasting to discover the authentic URL of the small URL link.


For safety you of your internet browser whenever you come across a short url link on your Facebook, LinkedIn or on Twitter account then in that case just confirm the authenticity of that url to use or not prior to using it. Firstly insert that URL into the mentioned URL box and hit it on the “Verify” option to enlarge the URL and confirm the URL authenticity for using it or not. In the case of URL confirms to be secured, you feel free to use it, and in case it fails to show its safety and forward you to several dappled website, then it better not to move forward to that website because it might be a scam, virus, Trojan or  malware.

This post is written by Raj , a professional blogger and freelance writer working for TechieDrive and TechieFusion