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Short Term Emergency Food Storage Supplies Preparation

According to FEMA, every household should have a 2-week supply of water and food in case of an emergency. Some food storage experts suggest having emergency food storage supplies for one year. If you simply don’t have the room to store enough foods to last a year, you need to at least consider a short term emergency food storage plan. Your plan saves your family’s life during a crisis, and it can be very affordable to put together.
By preparing your short term food storage plan ahead of time, you can ensure that your family eats healthy foods during your time of need. Planning ahead will ensure that your emergency food storage supplies include foods that provide the provide the right amounts of proteins, nutrients and vitamins. This will help to give you mental clarity and energy during your emergency. Below are some basic essentials that are affordable, and will provide the necessary nutrients for you and your family.

Supplies for 2-Week Emergency Food Storage

Other Emergency Preparation Tips

Store your emergency food storage supplies in a cool, dry place. Keep them together in one place. That way, in an emergency, you don’t need to panic trying to find everything. Some emergencies may require that you have to leave your home in a hurry. That’s why it’s so important that everything be conveniently packed in a sturdy box or food cooler so you can grab it and go, if needed. Here are some other tips for your short term emergency food storage plan:

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Iris Pulga is a blogger who takes emergency preparedness seriously. Her addiction started when she noticed that consecutive typhoons hitting their local area in the Philippines. She gets most of her emergency preparedness and food storage ideas in