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Optimise Your Email Campaign Landing Pages to Boost Conversion Rates

Whether you’re running an email marketing or pay-per-click digital marketing campaign, you simply cannot operate without an effective landing page. They are also a vital component of virtually all forms of online marketing, which is why it is worth taking a little time and trouble to work on your landing page and ensure it is going to be winning you those all-important conversions. There are a few simple methods, tools and tactics for optimising your landing page, used by internet marketing experts such as to devastatingly profitable effect!
The power of simplicity
Perhaps the hardest temptation to resist when designing a landing page is the temptation to let your creativity run wild. The maxim ‘less is more’ needs to have the casting vote here. People need to know exactly what’s what the second they hit your landing page or they will go elsewhere, so you don’t want to be distracting them with a busy, flashing sound and light show. Keep things focused and simple to ensure your prospective customer knows what’s on offer and what you can do for them – stick with short snappy sentences and bullet points, avoiding the dreaded dense text.
Signpost your landing page
Feel free to let people landing on the page know exactly where they are. It may sound like stating the obvious, but think about it – they will have been whisked from email to browser in one click, and many will be grateful to know that they’re at your landing page and not some attack site. Finally, be as simple as possible when it comes to your registration forms. Use as few fields as possible – just an email address is sufficient to build upon your good work thus far!
Use multiple links
When you’re urging potential customers to make a conversion, you need to make sure you’re covering all bases. While some click on a link straight away, others may diligently read through all the text before committing themselves. To cater for everyone, have your “call to action” links front, back and centre so anyone on the landing page can take action when they feel the time is right. Ensure each link is tagged so you can build up a picture of which are used the most and tweak your landing page accordingly.
Look to the future
Even when the initial promotional flurry has worn off, leave the landing page in place. The offer it pertains to should be kept running for as long as possible, especially for email marketing campaigns, because many people don’t get around to reading all their emails or email newsletters, even long after the date that you may think is the last chance for anyone to do so. You’ll be surprised at how many people suddenly take you up on an offer or subscription – long after you’ve forgotten about it yourself.
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