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My Date From Hell: How To Prevent Date Rape

What if you found yourself lying on a bed with unfamiliar surroundings? You wake up feeling sick, and your clothes are in tatters- ripped off in certain areas. You realize that you have just been raped by your date. No one should ever go through this kind of experience. This kind of incident can be prevented.

During your teenage years, your body will start to mature physically and sexually. This also means that your curiosity about sexuality will increase and you will experience certain hormonal changes. All these changes can make you vulnerable to sexual harassment, assault, and date rape. You should always keep in mind the following:

What Is Date Rape And How Does It Affect Victims?

Rape or sexual assault is not always committed by strangers in dark alleys. There are incidents wherein the assault or abuse was committed by a friend or acquaintance. Although most friendships and dates never lead to violence, it can still happen. Date rape happens when one individual forces his friend, acquaintance, or date to have sex. You need to understand that no one has the right to force another person to have sexual relations against his or her will- even if they are friends, were intimate, or had sex before.

Date rape can be very traumatic. Victims of rape, especially teenagers, may even develop a condition known as Rape Trauma Syndrome, says Bob M. Cohen & Associates, a law firm specializing in personal injury cases. This condition can impair a teenager’s ability to function in a social setting. Victims may also feel intense fear and may experience shock, confusion, and shame. Unfortunately, victims will not only suffer from emotional scars, but also from physical injuries, pain, and sexual disorder.

If you or you know someone who has been sexually harassed or abused, immediately seek help. The victims should not be held responsible for what has happened; therefore, they should not feel ashamed and report the crime to authorities.

Tips For Protecting Yourself Against Date Rape

Date rape is a huge problem for teenagers, especially those who are away from home and on their own. The best defense against sexual assault, including date rape, is to prevent it from occurring. Here are a few things you can do:

Know What You Want:

You should know your own limits and values. It is important to communicate these limits to the person you are with. You should also be clear about what kind of relationship you want with that person, and if you unsure, ask your partner to respect your feelings.

Stay Alert:

If you are on a date, you should observe your date’s behavior. If he/she is not respecting your limits and wishes, you should back off. Do not spend time with someone you feel uncomfortable with. Trust your instincts and get away from situations where you feel uncomfortable.

Avoid Drugs And Alcohol:

You should always stay sober, alert, and aware. Whether you are on a date or with a friend, you should be aware of your surroundings and stay in control. Keep in mind that drinking alcoholic beverages and substance abuse will reduce your ability to make good decisions. It will be so much harder to resist sexual assault and aggression. When on a date or at a party, here’s what you can do:

Remember that there are date-rape drugs that can induce loss of muscle control and unconsciousness. These drugs also affect memory. Therefore, it is important to be cautious about the drinks handed to you during a party or a date.

Unfortunately, despite these precautionary measures, date rape can still happen. If you have been sexually harassed, you should immediately seek medical treatment and talk to a friend or family member. If you want to report the crime, immediately call the authorities.

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The author, Kris Hopkins, aims to raise awareness regarding date rape. In this article, she discusses how date rape victims are affected and how to prevent this incident from occurring. She advises those who have been sexually harassed to seek help from authorities and from credible injury lawyers.