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Indoor Fountains Are Easy To Keep Clean With These Tips

Imagine the soft gurgling sound of a running brook and you can get a pretty good idea of what having an indoor fountain in your home would be like. Indoor fountains can bring an elegant and peaceful ambience to any home or office. Many people enjoy not only seeing indoor fountains but also hearing them, and they are used extensively in feng shui and other decorating principles. However, while seeing, hearing, and even feeling water fountains is pleasant having to deal with hard water stains, mold, and slime, and dirty water is not. Below are tips on keeping the water clean in various types of indoor water fountains.
Preparing Your Fountain
Keeping fountain water clean is easier if you prepare your fountain and its water first. You should always use distilled water in your fountain because regular tap water contains minerals. These minerals can lead to hard water stains, mold, and algae which can eventually clog the fountain and cause water to backup.
Additionally, it’s always a good idea to clean the various parts of your water fountain before you put it together so that any dirt or oils that were present in the fountain’s packaging will be cleared away.
There are also a few additives you can place in the running water of your fountain once it has been filled and turned on. These additives include vinegar, bleach, and specialized algae treatments. Vinegar can be added periodically to your indoor fountain’s water supply one cup at a time to keep mineral buildup low and to kill insects, their eggs, and their larvae. Bleach should only be used a few drops at a time, and it should never be used on fountains made from materials such as marble or slate as it can damage these types of natural materials. If you plan to use bleach to keep your fountain’s water clean then make sure to read through the fountain’s user manual beforehand. Lastly, home and garden supply stores often sell drops or tablets formulated for fountains that can help keep algae and mold from growing in or near the fountain.
Cleaning Your Fountain
No matter how well you prepare your water fountain there may come a time when you will need to clean it out.
1. Always make sure your fountain is unplugged before you begin cleaning it to minimize the risk of electrocution. Once the fountain has been unplugged you can lift your fountain and drain the water. If the fountain is too large to lift you will need to drain the water manually.
2. When the water has been drained from the fountain you should take a small toothbrush or sponge and clean off its surface with a mixture of vinegar and water or a specialty fountain cleaner. If you have spots you need to scrub out you can do so with a toothbrush or sponge dipped in baking powder.
3. Any small fountain parts that can be taken off should be soaked in the same mixture used to clean the fountain. However, be careful to note where each piece belongs when taking apart the fountain so that you have no problems putting it back together. When in doubt don’t take it apart.
A dirty fountain can do more than smell bad, it can actually make you sick. So take the time to keep your fountain clean from dirt, grime, and bacteria by using a few preventative measures and regularly taking the time to deep clean the fountain every few month or as you see fit. This way you can always enjoy the relaxing setting that a fountain can bring to your home.
Polly Godwin is the owner of, a company specializing in indoor wall fountains, outdoor water fountains and more.