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Identifying And Removing Pests In Your Home

Manage Pests In Your Home

Keeping pests out of your home is sometimes a matter of stopping the problem before it starts. There are several steps that you can take that are environmentally safe that can prevent pests from getting into your home, and if they are already there, to help you take care of them. Some pests aren’t just an annoyance. They may bring with them viruses and bacteria that can cause serious illness in humans. Keeping your house pest free is the best way to keep your family healthy from these problems.

Monitor Pests That Are Already A Problem

The first part of dealing with a pest problem is to handle it before it becomes a serious issue. If you notice trails, dead insects, or droppings, take steps immediately to take care of the problem. Make it part of your daily habits to check likely spots where pests would reside in your home. There are several conditions where pests will thrive, and areas that have these conditions should be checked regularly.

  1. Water sources
  2. Open food containers
  3. Open garbage
  4. Pet dishes
  5. Debris piles
  6. Open containers of food

Catching a pest problem before it starts is the best way to prevent a serious issue within the walls of your home.

Determine Problem Situations

Once you have started monitoring certain areas in your home regularly, you can quickly determine if you have a problem and what action you must take to deal with the problem. Don’t expect your home to be free of bugs all the time. Living with certain bugs and insects is just part of life. But if the situation becomes intolerable, or is affecting the health of your family, it’s time to take action.
Avoid revenge treatments when pesticide is applied after the damage has been done and the pest has moved on to another place. If the pests will naturally remove themselves from your home, don’t worry about treating them. Make sure to identify what pest you are having problems with in order to make sure you are treating them in the right season and time of day.
If possible, try to avoid broad treatments such as sprays. It is harder to target the specific pest in a certain area with things that are diffused throughout the air. Use targeted treatments whenever possible as they are more effective and also less harmful to humans in the home.


Once you have completed your treatment, take the time to evaluate if the problem has been resolved. If the pests are still a problem, it’s time to take further action. If you have no evidence of remaining pests in the home, then you are free to move on with your life until the next invasion.

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Jason Baker and Ant Eater Exterminating have teamed up to help the folks of Phoenix Arizona learn about the types of pests they may see in their homes and how best to combat them.