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How Your Receptionist Can Save a Business Both Money and Time

A receptionist is a person who is employed in an office to welcome and deal with customers and guests. The duties of a receptionist might vary according to the company’s requirements but usually a receptionist is responsible for answering calls, attending visitors, sorting emails and arranging meetings for visitors. The receptionist is the public face of your business. It is the first person whom your guests meet when they visit your office. Hence, a receptionist must be attractive, enthusiastic and charming.
Things To Look For In A Good Receptionist
Attitude – you should look for a person who has a positive attitude as you wouldn’t want to spend a lot of money in eradicating the bad habits of your receptionist. A receptionist should have a positive attitude and should be capable enough to handle unseen problems. Moreover, a professional receptionist can also save time and money for your business as she won’t be required to undergo rigorous trainings.  Moreover, an experienced receptionist can eliminate the cost of training other receptionists that are relatively new in the company.
Skill – When choosing a receptionist for your company make sure that the receptionist also has good clerical and IT skills. Receptionists who possess computer skills can be used for multi tasking. At times when the work load is heavy, receptionists can be given tasks such as data entry and filing. This will not only save time but will ensure that the work is completed well before time.
Resourcefulness – A good receptionist is always able to handle difficult tasks and tackle unforeseen problems. A reliable and efficient receptionist should be able to think fast and rationally. She/he should be able to guide a person incase if the manager is not in the office. This will not only save the visitors time but will also enhance the image of your company in the visitors mind.
A reliable and efficient receptionist can save a business both money and time. In fact time is money so efficient receptionists who can manage time well will automatically save money. Moreover before choosing a receptionist you must make sure that you conduct an in-depth interview. During the interview process, try to assess the receptionist’s personality and attitude. You must choose a receptionist that is able to multitask. Multitasking will help you save cost of hiring additional employees.
Virtual Receptionist
Technology is evolving with every passing day. Modern technology has allowed businesses to outsource their work. The concept of virtual receptionist is a relatively new concept but it can really help to save time and money. Not only do they cost less but they also offer the following benefits.
1. No missed time – As all call centers employ highly qualified staff that is avialble round the clock, you don’t have to worry about missed time. Your virtual receptionist will never be late to office nor will she take a day off
2. Availability – Unlike traditional receptionists, virtual receptionist are available 24 hours in a day 7 days a week. Hence, all calls will be recorded and not even a single important call will be missed or unattended. This will increase the efficiency of your business.
Bottom Line
The bottom line is that a good receptionist is one that is reliable and efficient. A good receptionist is one that is able to tackle problems, meet deadlines, multitask and last but not the least guide the visitors. While choosing a receptionist for your company you must make sure that she/he is well trained and experienced in the field. Keep in mind that a good receptionist can solve half of your office related worries.

Author Bio
Loren is a Business analyst and part time blogger, She always looks for ways to save business expenses and often recommends to outsource your receptionist position who can easily handle customer calls  with ease and professionalism.