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How Your Office Furniture Can Affect Your Business Profits

Choosing furniture for your workplace is a serious matter and is better not to be taken lightly. Various issues like comfort, safety and efficiency should be considered as you choose the furniture for your office. Focus on these issues and find out the items that suit the jobs; always go for quality.

Safety above All:

While choosing furniture for workplace, the issue of safety is something you need to consider first. Keep it in mind that even the very basic office chair can affect your business productivity and the all-round health of your employees as well. Having poorly-designed chairs that are not suited for the job can result in back problems, strain injuries and carpal tunnel syndrome. (Since a huge number of people are making use of computer mouse, Carpal tunnel syndrome is getting an increasingly common problem. Repetitive use of computer mouse causes numbness and pain in the hand and fingers.) The office chair should be such that you are able to adjust the seat and back and can touch the floor with your feet. For people working on computers, adjustable armrests can be a better choice. To ease pressure on your back and thighs, the chair should have a curved seat and lumber support.

What your Furniture Expresses

The office furniture you have sets the tone for your business. It is easy to get used to how your office looks. You get so used to it you don’t really see it. But try to look at it with new eyes, the eyes of someone who has never walked in before. What first impression does your office give? Does it look efficient, organised, welcoming and, well, business-like? If your furniture is old or damaged or cheap and tacky then it won’t. Get rid of that stuff. Get modern office furniture that puts across the image you want people to have of your company.

Good pieces of furniture give a completely new look to your home. From classic Italian styled lighting to simple mattresses, a range of items are required for home décor. However, to do shopping within budget, shopaholics can use furniture coupons and save up on money that can be used for more shopping.

Buy or Lease?

You do not have to go out and buy all the furniture for your office outright. The option to lease the furniture can have major benefits. If you buy all the furniture there is only a limited percentage which can be claimed back. But lease payments are 100 percent allowable against your profits. Leasing also makes it easier to manage cash flow. The payments are fixed; you don’t have to worry about interest rises, so you can budget with accuracy. It also means you can get the equipment you need, not just what you can afford now.

New or used?

It is quite possible to get quality modern office furniture second-hand. Used or refurbished furniture can be just as good as brand-new but it is half the price. It is a growing trend and can probably be attributed to tougher economic times. However, the trend of companies being more environmentally -responsible might also have something to do with it, as the furniture is being recycled. You can find used furniture companies online. Another way is to buy the furniture from a company that is selling theirs. Not all used furniture is in a bad condition.


Norman Spring is enthusiastic about improving the places we live. He writes regularly on design and interior decoration for a range of DIY websites and blogs. Simplicity and practicality are his watchwords. To get more information about office furnishings he suggests companies such as Calibre are a good place to start.