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How To Wow Your Holiday Guests

With the holiday season underway, we are all getting prepared to greet our holiday guests. Whether they are staying with us for one night or an entire month, there is a lot of prep work that goes into getting ready for holiday guests to arrive. From washing the sheets to putting together a meal plan, there is a lot to do to make sure we are ready for our guests.
But what about if we want to go above and beyond? Yes, there is a lot to do during the holiday season. We are all so busy. But sometimes when we’re having guests coming to stay with us, we want to go the extra mile to really make their stay special. Think about when you go on a cruise or a nice hotel. All of the little touches that they do really add up to make your stay more special and memorable.
Luckily, there are fairly easy things you can do to that will really wow your guests. These aren’t extremely extravagant, or necessarily expensive things. Just extra touches that will help them feel comfortable and maybe even a bit spoiled.
Here are 5 things you can do to really wow your holiday guests:

1. Get nice pillows.

Again, let’s think about the things that stand out to you when you go to a nice hotel. One of the things that you always look forward to is how comfortable the beds are. To get this same effect in your guestroom, there’s no need to go out and buy a whole new bed. Just buy some new pillows! If you have nice pillows on your guest bed (or even on the couch), it will instantly make it feel way more comfortable.
Wow your holiday guests with a good night’s sleep. All they need are nice pillows!

2. Fancy up their bathroom.

Yet again, let’s think about what people love about nice hotels. The next thing that comes to mind are their bathrooms. Every nice hotel pampers their guests with a spa-like bathroom experience. So, recreate that spa-like feel in your own guest bathroom. You can be as simple or indulgent as you like. Anything from candles, nice shampoo and body wash, soft towels, lush robes, good bubble bath or bath salts, even chocolates in the bathroom can really make it feel more upscale.
Wow your holiday guests with a luxurious bathroom experience. Go all out, or even just choose a couple of these small details to help your guests feel pampered.

3. Hide the imperfections in your home.

You may not want to think about this, but your guests are going to notice the imperfections in your home. They may not think a big deal of them, but they will notice them. Those everyday things that you’ve gotten used to will no doubt be noticed by your guests. So, before they arrive, do what you can to hide these little imperfections in your home. Let your guests leave thinking that your home was one of the nicest places they’ve ever stayed in. If there is a stain on your carpet, throw a rug over it. If your kids took their markers to your dining room chairs, get some dining chair covers to go over them. If your dog has chewed the side of your coffee table, paint it.
Wow your holiday guests by making them think that your house is the most immaculate house on the block.

4. Fill up that pantry.

No matter what else you do, your guests will be happy as long as they always have a full stomach. So, before they get to your house, make sure your fridge and pantry are stocked.
Wow your holiday guests by stocking your pantry with all of their favorite foods.

5. Plan fun activities.

Lastly, plan fun activities to do with your guests. Remember that they have chosen to spend their vacation time with you. So make this a fun trip for them. Think of the fun things to do in your area. Take them to do different fun activities while they are staying with you. Think of the activities that they like to do. Think of things that you would like to do if you were on vacation, or if you were visiting your area. Local attractions, unique restaurants, museums, etc. Even take them to see the newest movie that is out. If they have kids, maybe babysit them one night so that the parents can have a night out alone. Anything that will help make their stay with you more fun and enjoyable.
Wow your holiday guests by making them have the time of their lives while they are staying with you!
Nicole is a content writer for They offer inexpensive, high-quality linens and dining chair covers to deck out your home or event in high style.