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How Micro Sites Can Create New Leads

How Micro Sites Can Create New Leads
The importance of Micro sites is ever growing. Having large budgets to generate outbound marketing in order to gain new consumer isn’t what it used to be. It’s time to think about inbound marketing and driving consumers directly to you with micro sites, and with minimal hands on effort. The purpose of microsites is to engage with consumers in a different way, to show them something other than the typical corporate website.  Microsites can not only help you succeed where you’ve previously failed, but they’ll help you take a step past your competition as well.
Here’s a look at how micro sites can create new leads for your business:


You want to launch a new marketing campaign but it’s to bold or doesn’t fit the style of your current website. By creating a microsite as the platform for the campaign you can showcase a certain context you may not otherwise be able to show. Microsites are the perfect way to convey a targeted message customized for different topics, issues or buying stages. Display specific context, or to ads or keywords where it makes sense to tailor your information to that specific user experience and need.


Keep it simple. The site should be basic and eye catching. People don’t want to navigate through a bulky site. If there are too many steps or something’s unclear, they’ll click away. Microsites offer companies a way to provide in-depth and rich media in a hyper-focused context. When visitors arrive at your site, you want to present them with precisely what they are searching for without them having to track it down on the corporate site.


Different sections within your business may need to be portrayed alternatively. If one section of your business is booming but a large aspect of it is fumbling you may want to set up an alternative device to attract business leads. Lets say you own a rug store. Your living room rug sales are fantastic but your outdoor sales are lacking. By setting up a new micro site with something along the lines of “outdoor comfort” you can attract and direct new customers to the benefits of your outdoor rugs.


Whether it’s displaying a new product, publicizing an event or grabbing new consumers with a contest. Microsites give you and the web user a simple 1-3 page site that is to the point. Moving away from your main website allows you to experiment with branding your company in an otherwise risky manner.
Ultimately Microsites expand your company’s viewership by creating a hyper-focused site that accommodates the needs of a specific search query. As well as satisfies Google’s Quality Score criteria. Web users want to be able to see what they are searching for with only a few clicks. With Microsites the user is instantly focused on the attribute of your main site they are interested in without wandering through the main site. In other words, microsites help you communicate directly and clearly to your potential customers.  They don’t get lost in the mumbo-jumbo of a bigger and broader website, they are immediately introduced to the topic they were searching for in the first place and if you’ve done a good job with your site design and copy they’ll be very pleased to stay and soak up all you have to say!