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Future Tech: Wireless Home Security Systems

Home security systems are designed not only with superior protection, but they should also offer ease of use. With hardwired systems quickly becoming a thing of the past, what does the future hold in home protection?

Inter-connecting Technology for Safer Homes

Although many already do now, nearly every security company soon will be offering wireless technology. Connecting, using, and monitoring security can be done via the Internet or through the use of VoIP telephone systems. Significantly, there are more than 1,000 companies offering VoIP phone services in the USA alone, and that number is growing.
GSM radio or global systems for mobile are also making a mark in home security system technology ensuring system access is up and running for those on the go.

Wireless: The Next Generation

The biggest change in home security has been the switch to wireless systems. Intruders and burglars were fond of hardwired system due to the ease of cutting exterior wires and cables.
Enter wireless systems for the next generation of home security. Many wireless home security systems not only are providing tons of extra features, they’re a deterrent to those looking for ways to enter dwellings.
With wireless technology, if a homeowner moves to a new home, the security company can easily move or install a new system to ensure the same level of expected service.

Top Components of Wireless Security

Wireless security systems offer a ton of advantages — for example, you can skip drilling through floorboards and walls to install them. But this feature really only scratches the surface. Many also allow homeowners to use the system to control other home technologies, such as thermostats, entertainment systems and lighting.
Motion detectors and sensors send alerts to cell phones via text, emails or push notifications (with smart phone apps). Surveillance cameras (hidden or in plain sight) can electronically send real-time images of monitored rooms — including infant- and child-care areas. For the frequent travelers, the ability to see and monitor security systems becomes an advantage older systems couldn’t provide.
Wireless security systems also become a way to combine safety with convenience, especially for arming or disarming systems on the go, activating lights, and adjusting home temperatures.
Having lights on a timing device has always been recommended by security experts to create the illusion you’re home. With wireless technology, homeowners can skip plug-in devices and choose which lights (indoor and outdoor) to turn on and off with ease.

Consumer Friendly Features Galore

Wireless security systems also offer user-friendly features every family member can easily learn to use such as image-marked icons, better control over whole-house systems and with so many homes skipping land lines, mobile phone and laptop and tablet connectivity.
Experts in the field of security are aware of the attractiveness wireless systems offer to the end-user. They are also available in a variety of packages with budget-friendly price tags that include monitoring from call centers.
As the technology in home security advances so does the need for expert installers and monitoring companies. To see how a wireless home security system works as well as the benefits, it’s best to contact a company with years of experience in the security industry.