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Establishing Your Brand Through Print Marketing

Print is used in business on a daily basis, not just internally for printing information, but also for marketing and promotion purposes. Most businesses, corporations and even some smaller companies all have their own personalized paper, notebooks, envelopes, and other materials to help them get more brand exposure with any communication they send out via post.

Having your logo and contact details printed on the envelopes your company uses to post its mail, or on the paper your company uses to print its letters, will help increase your brand awareness and will make your materials stand out better than the plain paper materials turning up in the post-box alongside your custom printed materials.

In order to get the best results possible from your printed materials, you need to make sure they are very well designed. If people haven’t heard of your company or haven’t used your company before, then your printed materials are what that individual is going to be using to make a judgement on your business, so if it lacks quality, creativity or functionality, then that person certainly isn’t going to consider purchasing whatever it is that you’re offering, for fear of the product or service lacking too.

It can be very hard to come up with new and creative ideas for your print materials, so I’ve searched the web and come up with heaps of inspirational examples for you to look at and draw ideas from. Hopefully these should help you get through any design block you may be suffering!

These examples have given you plenty of fresh ideas to get you through your design project. If you can incorporate some of the elements from these designs into your own print materials, then you’ll be on track for an effective print marketing campaign.

Things like folder printing, printing your logo onto envelopes and other materials which you distribute can go a long way in helping to establish your brand. Branding is all about recognition, and in order to be recognized you need to be seen, the more chances you create for people to see your branding, the greater your chance of being recognized. Anything which you can print your company’s logo and branding on – you should.

Author Bio: Lynn Bradley is a regular contributor to many small business, technology and design related blogs around the web. With a background in marketing, he is keen to share tips and advice with business owners. Lynn loves to travel and hopes to one day do the LOTR trek through New Zealand.