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Enticing Employees By Offering Virtual Office Options

Employees are the backbone of any good business. If you want a strong team working for you, then you can’t afford to skimp during the hiring process. You simply must hire high-quality employees, and that means attracting them first. One of the most effective ways of bringing in super star employees is to convince them you are someone they want to work for. How do you do that? Offer them fringe benefits they can’t refuse. One such benefit you should be considering is the virtual office option.

The telecommuting revolution. The Age of Information has paved the way for a new type of workforce: the telecommute work force. Telecommuters are those people who work for an employer, but from home (or Starbucks). Some people are hybrid office/telecommute employees who split their work week between the two, while other people telecommute on a full time basis. The telecommuting revolution is changing the way employers manage their task force, the entire employee engagement process, and the way employees balance their work and home life, and the way businesses budget their overhead costs.

What is a virtual office? A virtual office is an office that exists primarily in the web. It is basically a service offered by a company that, for a fee, handles any of a number of traditionally office-based tasks for you, in accordance with your specific needs. For example, you may pay a virtual office service to answer your calls, send and receive your faxes, host a chat room in which you and your employees can have virtual meetings, process your payroll, screen employee applications, and more. There are many benefits to this arrangement: Employers can save drastically on overhead, and employees have a lot more flexibility when it comes to reporting to work.

How to market the virtual office option. If you want to entice high-quality job applicants with your virtual office offerings, then you should make it a point to include this all-important detail in the job postings you write for your hiring software from SmartRecruiters or for whatever other system you use. Don’t expect that candidates will know what, exactly, a virtual office is. You need to be specific about what it means to have access to a virtual office, what your virtual office options include, how much flexibility you have when it comes to scheduling virtual office versus real office time, and what it means to telecommute. All of this should be a part of the job description, if you want to attract employees with it.

A virtual office might just be your ticket to a higher quality, higher performing workforce. Put this great option to work for your business by making potential job applicants fully aware of it.