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Caring for Oily Skin

What Causes Oily Skin?
Unfortunately, oily skin is generally in the genes. You can thank your ancestors for such a great hereditary trait! Otherwise, factors such as working around fast food may influence your skin to become oily throughout the day, although this is usually an environmental factor and not caused by your skins production of oils.
Oil, or sebum, on the skin, isn’t so much damaging as a lot of other skin complaints but can be uncomfortable, unsightly and lead to blockages of the pores, and therefore acne, if not controlled properly.
Fortunately, there are plenty of products on the market to help you combat oily skin and a few techniques to reduce the over-production of sebum.
Washing More than Twice a Day
Washing in the morning, and then again at night, will remove any dirt, makeup and sweat the skin produces or harbours throughout the day and during sleeping.
Whilst it is important to keep skin clean, and you may think that by washing your skin on a very regular basis throughout the day will help to remove oil from the skin, what you are really doing by washing your face more than twice a day, is causing a condition called reactive seborrhoea where the sebum glands become over reactive in to over compensate for what has been removed by creating more oil to replace it.
Rather than constantly cleansing the face, it is more beneficial to use other methods of oil reduction in between washing to counteract it. Using an oil free cleanser is also recommended, as this cute down on the oil you are adding to your face.
Oil Free Makeup and Skin Care
As mentioned with cleansing, one of the most important things to consider is only using makeup and skin care products that are oil free. This will reduce the chance of putting more unnecessary oil onto your face.
Mineral products are also a brilliant option. Most contain no harsh chemicals or oil and are 100% natural.
Using an oil free cleanser and moisturizer before makeup will clean and moisturize the skin. A primer before foundation will usually absorb excess oil and smooth out the surface. An oil free, mineral foundation will leave the skin matte, as will adding a light dusting of a similar powder after makeup, absorbing any excess sebum.
Mattifying Silicone Skin Products
Silicones and mattifying products, such as cleansers, toners, creams, blotting sheets, sprays and makeup work great on oily skin. Mattifying products work by absorbing excess oil on the skins surface.
Oil Absorbing Blotting Sheets
Products such as oil absorbing blotting sheets can be patted onto the face and will absorb grease on the skin instantly. This is a means of removing oil from the face, whereas a lot of products will dissolve the oil compounds on contacts. Oil absorbing blotting sheets usually contain powder too, which will mattify whilst soaking up sebum.

About Author
Suzy Belding runs a home business that focuses on selling all natural skin care, make up, and fragrance products. Her ultimate goal is to be someone like William Lauder and become a head of a big personal care products company.