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A Review of Delta Stream

First Derivatives’ Delta Stream application is part of their Delta Suite, designed to make the task of trading and managing market data easier than ever before. As one of the first revolutionary new stock market quotation systems, Delta Streams provides a simple process for brokers and companies to access real time stock market data.

A Feature-Filled Application

The days of waiting 20-30 minutes for data statistics to appear are over; the invention of smart phones and tablets has put an unlimited amount of information at our fingertips. With Delta Stream, consumers are not only able to access real time data, but they are also able to capture, store, and analyze big pieces of data—all within the palm of one’s hand. Delta Stream offers the ability for consumers to access historical data, to process events in a matter of seconds, to receive alerts regarding pricing and intra-day activity, as well as website monitoring.

Big Data in Small Devices

Delta Stream was built with big data in mind. With Delta Stream, companies and brokers are able to compile their customer’s emails, phone numbers, and other various information into one place. In Delta Stream’s time-series analysis, customers can be notified in real time of changes based on their defined events. With advancement in technology, Delta Stream is one of the first to provide detailed market analysis and surveillance in the form of an application.

Advantages with a Multitude of Features

There are many advantages to this new application. For businesses, it offers a way to quickly and effectively put all of one’s data into one place. Depending on the company’s needs, all the data can be hosted on site or off site. For consumers, it is a great way for information to travel. Not only will brokers and stark market analysis enjoy Delta Stream, banking institutes also will find great benefits with a system like this by being able to detect fraudulent activity in real time.

Another advantage of the application’s stock market analysis is the ability to monitor website activity. By implementing historical data into the system, companies are able to scan various websites and create graphs and usage data tailored to their customers. For example, information from a customer who always buys stock from a specific company can now be input into Delta Stream. The application will then take that user’s information and compare it to their historical data usage to produce an analysis on their trading trends. Delta Stream is a great tool not only for businesses but also for users to see a breakdown of their financial movements when it comes to the stock market.

Companies Already Implementing the Revolutionary Application

Many companies around the world are starting to implement Delta Stream into their everyday activity. The Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC) is planning to retire their two-year-old OMX/SMARTS Integrity system and replace it with Delta Stream’s market surveillance system to help them monitor high-frequency trading activity in real time. The New Zealand Banking Group (ANZ) implemented the system in 2011 to help capture stock market data and to better analyze solutions.

With ANZ’s implementation, only remote users can access the data. One of the fastest growing communication technology providers in the United States, Bandwidth, is one of the most recent companies to select the Delta Stream application for their real time system monitoring. These are just three examples of companies that have seen potential in the Delta Stream system and have gone ahead and executed it for their customers. By being able to handle a high volume of information, Delta Steams is perfect for both large corporations and smaller firms.

First Derivatives had a brilliant idea in a mind when they created this new application. Not only has it revolutionized the way businesses and consumers view stock market data, it has made access to it that much easier. With the establishment of the kdb+ databases that made the invention of Delta Stream possibility, real time data now lies within the palm of our hands.


In addition to finance apps & technology, Daniel Bertram enjoys writing about gadgets, gizmos, accessories (such as the kensington ipad covers), software, hardware and other kindred topics.

Image credit goes to AndreasPoike.