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A Fairy Tale Wedding: Hire A Photographer To Save Those Moments Forever

Happily ever after! It all starts on the wedding for a couple. It is the day they are joined together in the relationship of wedding. It is the day they become responsible for more than themselves, they become responsible for each other.
The moment a couple gets engage the bride starts hearing wedding bells in her ears. Ever since childhood a girl starts dreaming about a fairy tale of a wedding where they ride into the sunset with their prince or knight it shiny armor. Ever since Cinderella, sleeping beauty or other fiction stories about two people loving each other and getting married came into existence they have raised the expectations that people have for weddings.
Every girl wants their wedding day to be the best wedding day ever like she read in her stories ever since she was a child. Although it is not possible as life isn’t fairy tale but why dream of something less when you want the best.
If you have found your prince that you want to marry and spend the rest of your life with, you need to already start planning for your wedding. It is wise to start months before the wedding but not before you are engaged because you don’t want to spook out your prince and turn him back into frog so that he jump away from you.
Once you are engaged it is time to start the planning. A fairy tale like wedding is not easy and almost impossible but you can get a wedding something almost like it.
You need to start planning with the following things:


Everything about planning a wedding depends on the number of people that you want to invite at the wedding. Some people like to have a very big wedding while others prefer something small.
So you need to start with sending out the invitations to your relatives and friends you want to attend the wedding. The budget of the wedding depends a lot on the number of people attending the wedding.
If you invite around 200 people at the wedding you will need a bigger venue, more food, more seats, more drinks and everything else in a large quantity than if you invite only 10 people at the wedding.
Therefore send out those invitations and calculate the number of people that will be a part of your wedding day.


Once you have calculated the number of guests that will be attending the wedding you need to decide a location. You might be marrying a prince of your dreams but unless he is an actual prince and he owns a castle of his own, you need to decide a location for the wedding. Even if you are marrying an actual prince it will be wise to choose another place to have a backup location because the evil queen might lock up in the castle, or poison you with an apple or enchant you with black magic.
Churches are the most common places where people get married. The plus side of getting married in a church is that it won’t cost you a lot and the church will provide you with all the services you need.
On the other hand a church can only hand so many people. There aren’t many big churches everywhere with the capability of hosting a wedding of 200+ people.
Wedding venues usually need to be booked almost 6 months prior to the wedding because you might not be the only who has found their prince and they might want to get marry in the same exact place as you.


Everybody is hungry. Good food is a must for your wedding. You just don’t want people bad mouthing about the food they had at your heading. It would be really hurtful if you meet someone you invited at the wedding, years after your marriage and they say the food at your wedding was not very good.
Hence if you don’t want to be embarrassed years after your wedding hire a good catering company that provides good food and serves good drinks.


Some people hire photographers for just the wedding day and some hire them for the rehearsals as well. Wedding day photography is the best way to save memories from your special day so that you can relive your fairy tale whenever you want to.
Every day of your life may not be a fairytale but your wedding day can be so if you don’t want to let go of your fairy hire a wedding photographer to save those memories forever.
The author suggests hiring only professional Edinburgh wedding photographer. He often writes articles on related topics.