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6 Ideas Music Lovers Will Find Romantic

If you are a major fan of music then you probably frequent popular music downloading sites such as to get the latest stuff. If your soul mate is a lover of music as well, then you can do various things to spice up your love and admiration for one another. You can either use a romantic date or gift to surprise your sweetheart on a special day such as anniversaries and birthdays. Some of the most Romantic music ideas are:
1.      Home concerts
If you are at the intimate part of your relationship, an excellent idea would be to plan a concert right at your home. Unlike other concerts, the two of you will attend this, or if you will feel awkward, you can invite a few other close couples. Get several live performance DVDs of your best bands. Rock it together on faster tracks and slow dance to the ballads.
2.      Concert tickets
If you are new into the relationship, getting two concert tickets to an upcoming concert is a good way to get to know each other well. Find out what bands he or she is into and see if there are any concerts coming up. If there are no upcoming concerts, you can invite him or her to dinner while listening to a local band.
3.      Serenade him or her
Check out online websites that offer cheap mp3 downloads and karaoke services then serenade her with a love song that you have recorded. To make it even more exciting, select a love song that holds a meaning to both of you. For instance, it could be the song that was playing when you first met or the tune you danced to on your wedding day. It could any song as long as it is a love song.
4.      Use musical instruments
If there is an instrument that your lover has really desired to learn but has never had the chance, you could sign him or her up for lessons on that instrument. This is also an excellent idea if he or she plays an instrument but would wish to learn more. You can also decide to get your lover a new instrument such as a guitar or keyboard. To make it more interesting make sure it is custom. For instance, the guitar can have strings made of silver and a board containing a special message.
5.      Mix CD
This is an all-time classic way to surprise your lover when it comes to music. In the past people use to make mix tapes but no one listens to those anymore. You can make a mix CD using the music they love listening to. An excellent way to find out what they mostly listen to is to look at their playlist on their iPods.
6.      Upgrade his or her player
If your lover has an old CD player, you can upgrade it to a new music system that has everything including USB and DVD support. You can give it to them as a gift on their birthday or on your anniversary.