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5 Useful Public School Resources That Most Parents Don't Use

There are many useful programs that school systems offer for students, not only to help them, but to help their parents as well. Most of these programs are free to the students. These programs can offer many things for students such as support, friendship, and help with school work. Listed below are five useful programs that parents don’t normally use, usually because they don’t know they exist.
Free Tutoring
Most middle schools offer tutoring programs to help students that are having trouble with subjects such as math and science, even English and social studies. These programs are usually free and are offered for the benefit of the students. Many schools offer this program as a peer-to-peer study session by allowing students to tutor each other in exchange for things like extra credit. If your child is doing poorly in school, this may be a good path for them to help bring their grade up to par.
Lunch and Breakfast Programs
With the economy taking its toll on many parent’s income, it is hard for some children to receive breakfast and lunch because their parents are not able to accrue the extra money it takes to buy breakfast and lunch at school. Thankfully, the majority of public schools have programs that will allow children to buy breakfast and lunch for free or at a reduced cost. This makes it easier on parents that are having a hard time making ends meet due to the declining state of the economy. It is very simple to apply and you should hear back promptly after submitting your application.
The economic hardships can put a strain on a family’s dynamic, not to mention everything children go through during school such as puberty, friendships and relationships. Counselors are available to children free of charge if they need someone to talk to. Counselors are professionals who have been trained to help children and young adults deal with their problems and help give them someone they can relate to who is an adult. This does not make anyone a bad parent, if your child decides to see the counselor. It simply means that your child may not feel comfortable talking with you about a certain situation.
After School Clubs
After school clubs are some of the most fun and engaging ways to help your child socialize. Most schools offer clubs such as the art club, chess club, music club, even a math club is available most of the time. At many schools, there are also debate clubs that will often participate in challenges that can reach to national levels. These after school clubs are a great way for your child to get started in extracurricular activities that will later on help them in life by teaching them how to work in teams with other students, as well as how to explore their own talents.
Online Resources
There are many online resources available to you, the parent, which will help you be involved with your child’s schooling. Most every school in America has a website, thanks to the internet. Available on these websites are calendars that tell you when special events are going to occur, such as parent/teacher meetings, pep rallies, and homecomings. These calendars are also a good way to tell when your child’s report card will arrive. Sometimes teachers put up the homework that is due for their classes if there is a calendar for a certain grade available. There are also resources online that can help you further your child’s studies, such as math work sheets and spelling lists.

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Doris Kline is a school psychologist and guest author at School Psychologist Files. Click here to read her latest article.