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5 Things You Didn't Know About Varicose Veins

Many people with varicose veins actually know very little about the vein disease they are suffering through. They do know that varicose veins cause them a lot of pain. They know that they sometimes feel embarrassed to wear shorts because of the veins on their legs. But other than that, their knowledge on the matter tends to be fairly limited.
So, to help you varicose vein sufferers out there, here are 5 things that you might not know about varicose veins:

1. There are many different causes.

A lot of people think that varicose veins are hereditary and that is the only cause of varicose veins. They think that it’s a simple matter of heredity: if you mother had varicose veins, you will also have them. If she didn’t, you won’t. It’s true that varicose veins can be hereditary. But there are many other possible causes for varicose veins. Some of these possible causes include (but are no means limited to):

2. They aren’t just in your legs.

When people think of varicose veins, they immediately think of the legs. But varicose veins can happen in places other than your legs. It is also possible to have ovarian or pelvic varicose veins. Just like with varicose veins that occur in the legs, ovarian or pelvic varicose veins can be very painful. But luckily, just like with varicose veins in the legs, there are treatment options available for varicose veins in your abdomen.

3. You might have them even if you can’t see them.

Many people think they have varicose veins only if they can see them. But that is not necessarily the case. Varicose veins can also occur under the surface, causing the exact same symptoms as varicose veins that you can see. You many have varicose veins even if you can’t see them on the surface. If you have chronic pain in your legs or abdomen, if you have a hard time standing for extended periods of time due to pain in your legs, if you have swelling in your ankles, or if you feel heaviness or itching in your legs, it is possible you may have varicose veins. Schedule a consultation with a vein specialist (many of them do free varicose vein screenings) to see if varicose veins may be the cause of your ailments.

4. It takes several steps to treat them.

Varicose veins are a complicated condition, causing many problems. And with that complication comes a complex treatment plan. Luckily, there are many treatment options available to help treat varicose veins. Just know that it may take several steps, and maybe even a few months to successfully treat varicose veins. That is why it is important to seek out treatment as soon as possible.

5. They could turn into something serious.

The problems associated with varicose veins don’t just stop at the pain you are currently feeling. If you don’t seek out treatment for your varicose veins, they could cause other serious problems in the future. So again, it is important to seek out treatment for your varicose veins early, in order to prevent them from potentially turning into something more serious.
This article was written by Nicole, a blog writer for Intermountain Vein Center is a vein treatment center with an experienced staff, including seven board certified physicians.