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5 Things That are Killing the Value of Your Home (and How to Fix Them)

Think you may be selling your home in the near future? If you want to get as much money as possible from the sale the last thing you want to do is devalue your property. There are certain things you can do – or fail to do – that dramatically affect the price and desirability of your house. Here are five things that will immediately bring down the value of your home and ways you can remedy the problems.

Lack of Curb Appeal

Many prospective buyers make a buying decision as soon as they pull up to a house. If their first impression is poor, you have probably lost the sale before they even walk in the door. Make sure your yard is clean and trimmed, flower beds are tidy, and the driveway doesn’t need repairs. The paint and trim should be well-kept and the windows sparkling. You may want to add a few bushes or flowers to make the house feel more welcoming. Dollars invested in landscaping nearly allows multiply.

Clutter, Inside or Out

Potential buyers want a home that feels spacious, not cramped and cluttered. Pack up, sell, or give away any excess clutter in or around your home. Clean out closets, the basement, the attic, and the garage. Give the impression that there is a place for everything, that it’s easy to keep this home organized. If you have to rent a storage space for a short time, the cost and effort will pay off in the end.

Over Personalizing

When someone comes to see the house, they don’t want to picture you and your family living there; they want to imagine themselves in the home. Remove personal items like family photos, collections, and memorabilia. Your favorite color may be red but that shade on the wall won’t appeal to the majority of buyers. Use a neutral color scheme throughout the house to charm more potential purchasers.

Outdated Kitchens and Baths

You hear it over and over again: Kitchens and baths sell homes. Since these two rooms are used frequently and are the most expensive to renovate, prospective buyers are drawn to homes with updated kitchens and baths. Even if you can’t afford to remodel, make sure the rooms are in good repair and function well. Try giving the rooms a more current look with simple changes like new hardware and fresh paint. You may even want to add lite kits to the walls between your kitchen and dining area to add to the appeal.

Overall Cleanliness

One of the things potential buyers really want is a home that’s clean. Home buyers are often heard to say things like, “Well, it needs a little work, but it’s clean.” Clean windows and walls, dirt-free corners, and spotless flooring add great appeal to any home. If you don’t have the time or ability to do it yourself, invest in a one-time cleaning service.
Don’t devalue your home. Simple steps make dollars and cents.