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5 Reasons to Upgrade Your Website This Year

Your website might do the job to an extent, but there are always things that you can do to improve how your visitors move through it, and ultimately how they end up converting – whether this is a loud, enquiry or a sale. Some of these changes might be quick fixes, but a full website redesign can often work wonders, especially if your site looks quite dated. If you still need convincing, I’ve put together a few reasons why you should consider getting a new website this year…

Mobile browsing is on the increase

Does your website cater for mobile users? When you are using a Smartphone or tablet, it can be very annoying having to pinch-to-zoom on content. A website designed solely for mobile might well be the way to go for your company, but if you do search engine optimization remember that you will need two strategies – one for your main site and one for your mobile site. A responsive website on the other hand might be more ideal as you will have one website that scales in size and features depending on the device you are viewing it on – it’s very clever!

Increase your conversion rate

Another aspect of a website redesign is aiming to increase your conversion rate. When you speak to companies that do web development in London and the rest of the UK, make sure you ask them to consider your conversion rate. Tell them what it is presently, and what you expect it to be once they create your new site. This will help them to come up with important features, as well as where key calls to action should be placed.

Stay ahead of your competitors

You don’t want to be staying still whilst your competitors are moving ahead and stealing your share of the market. Therefore you could stay ahead of them by implementing new technologies and considering trends such as mobile (mentioned above). Find ways to have conversations with your customers and make your website content cater for exactly what they’re looking for.

Organize your website better

A website redesign is a great time to organize your site, and clean up any pages that do not add anything to your site. Put redirects on web pages that aren’t needed, or if you end up changing the URL at all. Make sure you don’t delete pages without directing people elsewhere as this is no good for your SEO and is a pain for users on your site.

Rank better in the search engines

In a similar vein as above, a new website can help you to rank better in the organic search listings. You’ll be able to create clean URLs, nice page titles and tags. Even though it won’t help you rank better, make sure each of your meta descriptions is informative and unique as this can help increase the number of visitors who click through to your website.

About the author

Bob White is involved in web development in London, UK. He often writes guest posts on various topics of development and design as it is one of his biggest passions.