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4 Benefits Your Business Will See Using Social Media

Businesses utilizing social media see a rise in customer engagement and interaction. There are many other benefits companies can look forward to when they start investing in new media; here are some of the best.

Recognition & Interaction Grow


Image via Flickr by Ryan Lane

How many of those logos do you recognize? From executives to entry-level workers, a company has an opportunity to develop consumer recognition through social media. Whereas executives might best spend their time building a readership for an industry blog, entry-level employees could invest in comment responses and tweet writing.
Regardless of how your company is using social media, the more consumers see your name across multiple platforms, the more they will recognize you. If you have a Facebook ad, a stray tweet or two, and a thread rising on Reddit, then people could be exposed to your brand three times in a day with very little cost to the company.
Recognition can help a company to become more attractive as a workplace, and as a place to shop.

Customer Communication Is Faster

Social media allows customers to reach their businesses quickly. Your customers could report unknown franchise issues to your corporate office in minutes. This allows your company to respond to issues and customer suggestions quickly and clearly, cutting out the middle man. Your company should be following comments on these sites and others to find out what customers are writing:
• Twitter
• Reddit
• Facebook
• StumbleUpon
• Yelp
• Your Company Blog
• Industry-Specific Message Boards

Reduced Marketing Costs

One of the biggest wins for companies using social media is that it costs a lot less than the old standards like print media. An online post can take some money effort to create and promote, of course, but it will effectively last forever once the post has gone live. Compare that cost to the old price of several thousand dollars per newspaper run or radio spot that lasted a day, and you’ll see why companies love social media.

Your Brand’s Intentions Become Clear

Social media is a great place to develop a strong, clear brand in consumers’ minds. If you use a carefully chosen brand book you can count on customers to more quickly recognize your logo and mission. This is great for companies, because they no longer must rely on newspaper, radio, TV, and product placement in stores to get their brand stapled in users’ minds.
However, if a company doesn’t develop a seamless and clear brand, they can confuse online users. Having one web design and style that contrasts with product colors and fonts can make your company seem disjointed, or like two separate entities. Make sure your design and marketing teams are working together to target your audience with a clear brand. If you need expert help, official MediaWhiz experts and similar industry pros can help your business to build a strong brand book.
A clear brand can inform customers what you are about and that your many social profiles are connected.
Take advantage of these new tools in order to gain recognition, build brand understanding, develop communication with customers, and reduce marketing costs. Your business will see quick returns from social media if it is used correctly.