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3 Safety Concerns for Families Addressed

Family safety is a priority in everyone’s life.  You can prevent many accidents just by taking some simple steps.  Preparing for the worst may seem dramatic to some, but as anyone who has cared for a child or elderly family member can attest to, being prepared for a worst-case-scenario yields the best results when bad things happen.

Safety from Intruders

Unfortunately, a would-be intruder looks at the elderly, disabled, and children and sees easy targets for theft.  Here are a few ways to protect your family from intruders:

Pool Safety

This is an issue which can be looked at from many different angles. The financial downside is that homeowners’ insurance goes up with the addition of a pool because of the new risks pools present. Putting a gate around a pool is an option, but sometimes children try opening or jumping locked gates. According to a report on, “approximately 54 percent of the estimated injuries between 2007 and 2009, involving children younger than 15, occurred at a home pool or spa.”
Even though pools are good for low impact exercising for the elderly, they can still cause slips and accidents that could end terribly.
To help prevent pool-related injuries, or deaths, install pool or gate alarms to alert you when children go near the water, make sure all pools and spas have the right drain covers on them, have a working pool or spa cover, and install an underwater alarm in case of drowning.

Location, Location, Location

Safety for your family has a lot to do with location. Gated communities are obviously safer than those that are not gated. Not all parents or caretakers have the option of living in a gated community, though. The area of your home can have a lot of impact on the safety of your family.
Whether it is the school that you send your children to, or the stores that you routinely shop at, safety can vary immensely. The solution for this could be to move into an area with low crime or even find a home in a rural area.
If you live in a neighborhood, make sure you know and trust your neighbors if your children like playing outside. Always keep an eye on children playing outside in case they run into a busy road, or a stranger tries to talk to them. Choosing a neighborhood with a neighborhood watch is always a good option for families concerned with safety.
Trying not to worry about the possible accidents that could happen to your loved ones, while remaining realistic and prepared about inevitable mishaps will hopefully give you peace of mind.
What are some other safety concerns of yours?