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The Best Guide To Choose Running Shoes

Your trainers are your best friend when training or exercising. Not all shoes are equal in giving you stability, speed and support during your run, so choosing the ideal shoes equals better performance. You definitely won’t want to use your plimsolls or leather shoes for training, so you need to buy the right trainers to achieve better speed and athletic performance.
Most first-time runners go for inexpensive shoes, believing that all rubber shoes are made equal. Some pick cheaper shoes because they don’t see why they should pay a lot for something that they won’t use every day. They may also worry that their spouse will get cross if they buy very expensive shoes. Well, all these reasons for buying cheaper shoes can be legitimate, but you won’t be satisfied with the results.

Why Should I Buy the Right Trainers?

Poor shoes can lead to more injuries, poor athletic performance and less efficient runs, so getting the right shoes can optimise every training session. Trainers usually provide better support to the normal anatomy of the foot, making you hit the ground and take off better.

How do I Choose the Right Trainers?

You should consider the following factors when choosing trainers.

Pronation of the foot

Depending on the pronation of your foot, you may need special trainers. For people who over pronate (the foot hits the ground with the instep), a control shoe is best. For people who under pronate (the foot hits the ground more on outside edge), a cushioned shoe is best. You will know if you over pronate because the instep of the shoe wears out faster, while if you under pronate, the outer side wears faster.

Foot arches

People also may have a neutral, low or high arch of their foot. A neutral or normal arch involves a distinct curve on the sole of the foot. A low arch usually has no curve, and the footprint usually resembles the entire foot. On the other hand, a high arch involves a very sharp curve on the sole of the foot, resulting in a thin footprint, because majority of the area of the sole does not touch the ground. People with low arches need a control shoe while people with high arches need a cushioned shoe.
These factors usually determine the right trainers for you. If you are uncertain of your foot type, you can visit a specialist sports shoe shop because the staff will have the skills to help you choose the right trainers. There are also online shops that can help you to obtain the right trainers for your workout, like RS4u. RS4u designs trainers specifically for the customer’s needs.
If you are shopping for trainers, be sure to shop late in the afternoon because this when your feet are at their largest. Picking a shoe in the morning can result in a feeling of tightness while running. In short, getting the proper training shoes maximizes your exercise, so never settle for less than the best when buying your footwear.
Dr. Aquino is an orthopaedic surgeon and recommends the use of proper RS4u running trainers because most of his patients coming with athletic injuries have unsupportive shoes during their training.