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Salmonellosis – What Is It, How Do You Get It, And How Is It Treated And Prevented?

One of the diseases that we can get from rodents is salmonellosis. This is an infection brought about by bacteria known as Salmonella, and the most common mode of entry of these bacteria into our system is the oral route. We unknowingly ingest contaminated food or water, and after a few days, we begin suffering from the effects of this type of infection.
What is Salmonellosis and How is It Transmitted?
As mentioned earlier, salmonellosis is a type of bacterial infection caused by Salmonella. It’s often transferred to humans via the oral route. For example, you ate or drank something contaminated by a rodent that’s carrying the bacteria in its body. Within a day or two, you begin experiencing signs and symptoms of salmonella infection.
Salmonellosis is also oftentimes transferred by humans. For example, an infected person handled food without washing his hands properly after using the bathroom.
Signs and Symptoms of Salmonellosis
Signs and symptoms of salmonellosis include abdominal cramping accompanied by fever, watery stools, and diarrhea. The symptoms usually resolve on its own after about a week, but for those who have weak or compromised immune system, the symptoms can easily escalate, prompting hospitalization. If left untreated, it could develop complications such as a diarrhea that lasts for months or Reiter’s syndrome, which is characterized by eye irritation, painful joints, as well as painful urination. Another complication of salmonellosis is chronic arthritis.
Treatment of Salmonellosis
Even without antibiotic treatment, salmonellosis typically goes away after a week. However, to prevent dehydration, oral fluid therapy is usually given.
For those who are experiencing severe diarrhea, loss of appetite, and rapid weight loss, hospitalization is oftentimes required. There, he will be given not only intravenous fluids but antibiotics as well. The antibiotics are prescribed especially if the infection has already reached the intestines.
Prevention of Salmonellosis
Salmonellosis is easily prevented. Your first-line of defense against this infection is by making sure that you wash food products properly under running water. You should also see to it that you cook meat products properly to kill any bacteria.
Always wash your hands properly before handling food, especially if you’ve been to the bathroom or you’ve handled a rodent pet such as a hamster or a guinea pig. Use soap to get rid of bacteria and wash your hands under running water.
You should also store your food properly. Make sure that the food containers are tightly sealed, so pests such as rodents and insects can’t get to them. It’s also important that you maintain a very clean refrigerator and pantry. You don’t want dirty food storage places since these can easily attract pests.
If you have rodents and pestiferous insects such as cockroaches at home, then do the necessary steps to get rid of them. Set traps, place pest-repellent products, and use organic pest control methods to keep them out of your home. If these steps cannot control their population, then hire a pest control company. They can easily, quickly, and thoroughly eliminate them from your property. What’s more is that their products last a long time, so you can be assured of a pest-free home for months to years.

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Jennifer Daggett writes for Admiral Pest in Irvine, a trustworthy pest control company. It’s important that you get rid of rodents from your home since they are known carriers of Salmonella bacteria. If the rodent population in your home is high, be sure to get in touch with your local pest control company.