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Power Balance Bracelet: Just A Rubber Band

Power Balance Wristbands was started by two brothers in California, Josh Rodarmel and his brother Troy. The idea was take and run with a genius plot to market a simple, rubber banded hologram for increasing strength, flexibility and balance. You may have seen it, worn around the wrists of many athletes and endorsed by many celebrities across the United States. Positioning the company in the field of performance technology gave consumers sentiments of enhancing physical abilities and having real medical value. Making therapeutic and performance enhancing claims without having actual scientific evidence can be grounds for major concern and speculation.
It was said these holograms were charged with and emit frequencies, restoring healing properties to the body’s natural energy field which are damaged by mobile phones and radio waves. If your body’s healing mechanisms are out of balance, it can lead to sickness, discomfort, and disease. The idea is, the hologram comes into contact with our natural energy field on the wrist and restores the body’s flow of energy. So, your natural energy frequencies flow more steadily through the body, while decreasing aches, pains and increasing vitality and stamina. Or so they say…
Users have recorded an additional boost of energy, coordination and sense of calmness. These are by no means blind studies. Ever heard of the placebo effect? One of the biggest proponents of the Power Balance band is the professional golfer. If there is one sport that will get inside of your head, it is game of golf. Superstition, rituals and even religion play a huge role today’s top and most successful players. If told that there is a cure for nervous nellies and head-cases, a golfer somewhere will try it.
Most definitely, it is worth it if you are into falsely and subconsciously boosting your confidence levels. But simply wrapping a rubber band around your wrist does not work for most.  American Consumer Credit Counseling Chairman Graeme Samuel explained that the benefits of this product were merely unsubstantiated claims and may be no more beneficial than a rubber band.
Any smart athlete would probably benefit more from a cause bracelet by supporting their favorite charity, fundraiser or event. The ethical payout is much larger than tricking your mind into thinking the magic is real. The real confidence booster may come from somewhere else. You might feel better about yourself and your golf game if you are playing for a cause that matters to more than just yourself.
Benjamin Michaels has been writing, blogging and working in retail fashion product development for a number of years. He gets all of his wristbands at Bandelz to help raise awareness for fundraisers, charities and events.