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Overcoming A Problem Like Over Pronation

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People have differing foot types as a result of their individual foot shape and bone structure. Some types of foot can lead to a sideways tilting when being used. Most commonly runners who suffer from a tilt after their heel strikes the ground notice problems with over pronation of the foot.
However, the problem can affect people who only walk around or those who jog a little, as well. If you look at the wear pattern on the heel of your training shoes and notice it tends to be on the inside, you may be suffering from over pronation, without having previously noticed it.
Over pronation occurs when the outside of the runner’s foot strikes the ground first. As weight is shifted forwards from the outer heel through the rest of the foot the inside, or medial, area of the sole bears the greatest burden. This can put excessive pressure on the big toe. Given time, over pronation can cause problems with the knee joint and painful inflammation of the connective tissue on the sole of the foot. In severe cases it can end a running career.
Overcoming over pronation is possible, however, so these problems will go away. Even if you have not suffered as a result of over pronation, then taking some simple measures will help to keep it that way. This is particularly advisable for runners of both long and short distances. If you are in any doubt about your foot type, then the first thing to do is to consult a professional orthopaedist who will be able to help you with an individual programme.
A good tip to help you is to take a table tennis or a squash ball and roll it under the sole of your foot. Manipulate the ball for no more than one minute such that every part of the bare foot is touched by it. Whilst carrying out the exercise stretch your foot muscles from time to time by pointing your toes up in the air. Switch feet and repeat the exercise. However, if you feel any discomfort, then stop the exercise immediately and try again later. If the discomfort persists, consult an expert.
Another exercise that you can move on to, which also assists with over pronation problems, improves the muscle tone under the arch of the foot. For this one, sit in a chair and simply place a towel under your feet. With both of your feet crumple up the towel using only your toes. Once the towel is good and twisted up, lay it out and repeat the process. Build up the number of times you repeat this over time.
Improving muscle tone will help, but you may need to consider an orthotic insole if the problem persists. These devices sit within your training shoe and are designed to keep the foot and ankle bones in the correct alignment so no pronation occurs. You can assist the function of such an insole by wearing good quality and supportive footwear in the first place.
Author: This post was supplied on behalf of Simply Sweat, the online fitness clothing store.