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Name Badge Etiquette

Tips to Help You Immigrate

When you’re organizing or attending a conference or other professional event, you should brush up on your nametag-wearing skills. Knowing basic name badge etiquette will help you create appropriate identification for yourself and your colleagues, and to make a good first impression on those you meet.
Names & Titles
A professional name badge should have the person’s first and last name; it’s not necessary to add honorifics unless the badges are for an event where such information would be important. If the nametag has the person’s company name or affiliation, it should be printed in a smaller font than their name.
Name Badge Type
The type of nametag you choose should depend on the event you’re holding. Those paper tags that read “HELLO, my name is __________” are best used for informal mixers and informational conventions, as they’re really good for icebreaking.
Choosing the Right Font
When you’re designing or printing nametags, you should use the largest typeface that’s practical. 40-45 point fonts like Times New Roman are ideal, but italics and cursive aren’t recommended. Your font should be large enough to be easily readable, but small enough so that the person’s first and last names fit on the same line.
Wearing Name Badges
Nametags should always be worn on the right shoulder; when a person shakes hands with someone else, their nametag will be perfectly visible. Women who carry briefcases and purses on that side should switch so others can see their nametags, and they should be worn until the day is over.
Supplying Your Own Nametag
It’s not appropriate for event attendees to bring an alternate nametag; all should wear the same kind to ensure uniformity. If your nametag looks drastically different from everyone else’s, you won’t leave as good an impression as they do. A folded or crooked name badge can give others the impression of laziness or disorganization.
Nametag Creation and Maintenance
When nametags are being made, they should be made with the highest-quality paper available. They should be laminated or encased in plastic to ensure that the tag will stand up to use, but it’s the attendee’s responsibility to make sure theirs is presentable. If you’re in charge of nametags, be sure to bring extra supplies so attendees can get a replacement if theirs is lost or damaged.
Most people don’t give much thought to their nametags, but they really are an easy way to start conversations and make connections. By practicing proper name badge etiquette, you’ll meet new people and leave them with a favorable impression of both you and your business.
This article was written by James Harper on behalf of Name Badges International, providers of name badges.