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Making A Good Impression At Work

When it comes to your professional life, you hold the steering wheel. You have control over how successful, or unsuccessful each of your ventures are, and with some careful planning and respect for the position you are in, you can show your boss how serious you are and it may even result in a promotion. Keeping in mind the impact of organization, timeliness, and more aesthetic concerns such as trendy clothes, you can take your career to a whole new level.

Keep It Organized

One way you can easily keep yourself a step above the rest is by being extremely organized. For one, you will never have to explain why you lost that important document, because you know where everything is. Also, organization will play a big role in being considered for any sort of managerial duties. Managers have to not only worry about their own to-do’s, but also that of those beneath them. In the end, keeping organized will make your workday easier while still holding potential for advancing your career.

Be Punctual

It is fairly simple; you need to be at work on time every time. Why is this? Well, your manager or boss may understand that things do pop up: people wake up late, they have car trouble, or there was an emergency. What they cannot understand is how all of these things seem to happen to you every week. If it is within your control to avoid these situations that would make you late or absent from work, you need to take action. The higher-ups at your job can only be understanding and tolerant for so long before your tardiness begins to overshadow the work you are doing when you are in the office.

You Are What You Wear

While many seem to place less importance on it, how you dress will play a big role in your success. This is not because looks are all that matters, but rather because someone who takes pride in the way they look exudes their pride in their own work. Everyone wants those lazy days where they just throw on jeans and a T-shirt, but this can be done in a more fashionable way. When you aren’t feeling up to dressing to the 9’s, try wearing a nice pair of skinny jeans, a camisole layered under a blazer, and pumps. It’s comfortable but you are still showing that you take yourself seriously. Trendy clothes can really make an impact on those around you.
Being serious about your job, and showing others that sentiment will greatly increase your chances for advancement.

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Stephen Craig is a part of an elite team of writers who have contributed to hundreds of blogs and news sites. Follow him @SCraigSEO.