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How To Decorate A Living Room For Comfort And Style

The living room is the most used room in a majority of homes. It serves as the entertainment center and family conversation hub. Decorating this room can sometimes be tricky. After all, you have to consider the variety of activities that take place in the room and account for each of them in your decorating scheme. You do not want to decorate a room of relaxation overly formal. The following are some ideas on how to beautifully decorate your living room and keep in livable at the same time:

Make the TV attractive:

On design shows, you often see decorators avoid adding the TV into their superbly decorated living rooms. However, that is not practical in the real world. For a real-life living room that houses kids, Wiis, TVs and DVDs there is a need to keep the TV in the room. Since the TV must stay, decorate around it. Purchase a lovely TV stand made of high-quality material in a stain that matches your desired furnishings. Arrange electronics so they are out-of-sight but still easy to access. A great way to do this is to store CDs, DVDS and video games in labeled decorative boxes on a shelf in the living room. When you incorporate the TV into the living room decor, it no longer seems out-of-place or unattractive.

Incorporate Fabric:

Use fabric to make your room both livable and beautiful. For example, throws and pillows scattered around the living area is a great way to add color and style into the room. Lay throws across the back of chairs or couches, and spread pillows around on various pieces of furniture. Pillows are a great way to get bold in the living room. Go with bright colors in outrageous patterns especially if your furniture is bland.

Hang photos:

To create a warm inviting environment in your living room, incorporate family photos into your decor. Print out candid shots of your family, and frame them in lovely frames. Hang them in an attractive pattern behind your couch or on a blank wall.

Add mirrors:

Mirrors reflect light and give the illusion of more space. Use them to decorate a living room especially if the room is small or does not receive a lot of natural sunlight. Mirrors come in various shapes and styles. They range from oval mirrors to square mirrors. Because there is so much variety, you are sure to find a style that you like for your living area.
The important point to remember when decorating a living room is to keep it comfortable. It is possible; however, to create an attractive room that is also welcoming. Your goal is creating a room where people want to sit and stay awhile. Keep that in mind when choosing your living room furnishings.

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Eric Blair writes about interior decorating and overall home improvement with materials such as bubble glass and unique wall mirrors from