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How To Choose Your Real Estate Agent

Choosing a real estate agent can be a difficult and even a confusing process. After all, there are literally thousands of real estate agents who are eager to handle your business. Fortunately, the process of choosing a real estate agent doesn’t have to be a difficult one. In fact, by just keeping these 4 tips in mind, you will be sure to find the perfect agent to suit your needs.
Tip #1: Ask Friends and Family
The best place to start when searching for a real estate agent is with friends and family. By asking those you trust to provide you with a recommendation, you will be more likely to find a reputable agent who can meet your needs. Therefore, your first step toward finding a real estate agent should involve simply asking around. More than likely, you will come across someone who has recently dealt with a real estate agent in your area.
Tip #2: Set Up Meetings
Whether an agent has been recommended to you or not, your next step should be to set up meetings with more than one agent. You should come to these meetings prepared to discuss what you are looking for in a home, but keep in mind that this meeting isn’t just about passing information on to the agent. Rather, this is a time for you to get to know the agents and their methods better. As such, you should ask plenty of questions while also simply testing the waters to see if you feel a connection with the agent. After all, you will be working closely with this person over the next several weeks, so you want to be sure the agent clearly understands you and your needs.
Tip #3: Check References
If you don’t know someone who has worked with the agents you are considering, you should ask for references. Then, follow up on these references by asking plenty of questions. The more questions you ask, the better you will be able to determine whether or not the real estate agent is a good fit for you.
Tip #4: Look Into Qualifications
When considering qualifications, you want to consider more than just credentials. For example, an agent who is familiar with the neighbourhood where you are interested in buying or selling is a good choice. You should also check with the State Board of Realtors to find out if a complaint has been filed against the agent you are considering. In general, it is best to avoid anyone against whom a complaint has been filed.
By keeping these four simple tips in mind, it shouldn’t take much time for you to find the perfect real estate agent to suit your needs!
Crystal Tost is a Calgary based real estate agent who works primarility in ressidential real estate. Crystal contributes to