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Home Remedies To Help Deal With Dementia

Watching someone you love suffer with dementia can be extremely painful. As they lose their memory, they may forget who their family is and they may forget how to take care of themselves. It is a serious disorder that needs to be diagnosed by a professional and treated as such. This may be a combination of medications and therapy. Even minor forms of dementia or dementia in an early stage needs to be dealt with accordingly. Unfortunately, there is no cure for the disorder as a whole. There are methods to make it less painful for the patient and the family.
There are natural cures that you and your loved one can try in order to cope with dementia. These home remedies can be quite useful for everyone, especially if they are incorporated into their diet and life early on. While using these home remedies does not mean that you should forgo the treatment given by the doctors, these are supplemental steps you can take.
Vitamin E
Eating foods that are rich in vitamin E may help reduce the risk of dementia or slow down the onset of the disorder. While there are many other factors that must be taken into account, eating a diet that is high in this vitamin is extremely beneficial for those who have a family history of the disorder. Starting young can eliminate or reduce the chances of getting it.
Almonds have always been regarded as a super food for so many reasons. However, they may be able to be used as an alternative medicine for dementia. They contain a high concentration of the vitamin E that is so important for those who have it or have the chance of getting it.
While you can simply eat the almonds to get their benefits, there is a method you can use to get the greatest benefit possible. Put a handful of almonds in water, and allow them to soak overnight. In the morning, peel the almonds and eat them before your breakfast. This leaves you with just the healthiest part of the almond, and by eating it on an empty stomach, it is absorbed more quickly and effectively. Do this every single morning to increase brain strength and memory power.
Folic Acid
For years, folic acid has been considered “brain food.” While not too many studies have been performed to show the affects between a diet high in folic acid and dementia, experts do believe that it can delay it or prevent it. There is solid evidence that folic acid does impact the brain in a positive way. Foods that are rich in folic acid are peas, oranges, strawberries, asparagus, and much more.
Vitamin C
This vitamin is known for its ability to repair cells in the body, including cells in the brain. While it does not work fast enough to completely prevent it or stop it in its tracks, it can be very helpful in slowing down its progress. A diet high in citrus fruits and green vegetables will provide the dementia patient with much needed vitamin C.
Brain Exercises
Keeping the brain active is one of the best ways to prevent dementia and keep it from controlling your life. Activities like puzzles, reading, and anything that engages the brain keeps the pathways fresh. While this may not entirely prevent it, it is great exercise before and after the diagnosis.
Nisha represents a site called She enjoys writing about health and dementia care.