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Get Creative With Plastic

Plastic is an incredibly versatile material as shown by its use for packaging and in the construction of almost any product. But, plastic has had its disadvantages, one of which is the lack of recyclable plastics or at least, the lack of recycling facilities. However, there are many creative uses of plastics which go one better than just stuffing them into your recycling box: re-using them for something fun and even something useful!
Wall mounted storage. We love this example we found on Pinterest. Old plastic bottles can be turned into a wall mounted storage solution by removing the bottoms, using tape to cover the sharp edges and screwing the bottle caps into a piece of wood on the wall. You can use the bottles for storing almost anything you want!
Lamps and lighting! An artist from Kentucky has put countless used plastic bottles to use as lights and lamp shades. Making use of just a basement, a propane torch (yes, don’t try this at home folks) and a ‘practiced ‘hand’, the bottles were re-shaped and re-modelled to make shades that look like tropical plants. While perhaps not the sort of activity the average home will take part in, these examples certainly show that with knowledge, skill (and care!) you can make recycled plastic into something truly exceptional.
Watering can. Another great Pinterest find. If you take an old plastic jug (like a milk container for example), you can make yourself a DIY watering can by using a heated needle to prick holes in the top of the lid. Fill the container with water and you will wonder why you ever spent money on a shop bought watering can in the past.
Sturdy totes. This YouTube video shows you how you can use old plastic bags to create a tote bag by fusing together a large number of bags and using strips to make handles. Turning old flimsy bags into a new one that’ll carry even the heaviest shopping!
Sound insulation. Not exactly something you can do at home, but scientists at Oregon State University have developed sound insulation materials using plastic foam and shredded plastic bags. The materials are fashioned into different shapes which reduce the transfer of sound, as well as providing insulation for heat and air.
What creative uses of old plastic can you think of? Children often have the best ideas as schools regularly use old materials in art and craft lessons – it’s a cost effective way to get creative!
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This article was brought to you by Flexothene, experts in wholesale packaging supplies and plastics.