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Fun Holiday Traditions For The Family

The holidays are a special time of year for most families. It is when everyone takes some time off of work to be together and is when traditions and fond memories are made. In honor of the festive season, here is a list of some fun holiday traditions to try with your family this winter.
1. Cook Together
Food is an important part of any holiday, and cooking or baking together provides quality time with a delicious result. For some items, such as cutting and frosting cookies, involve all of the kids. Have them help clean up too, as all of that frosting is sure to make a mess. For other items, such as preparing the turkey or ham, have one older child or your spouse help you out for some one-on-one bonding time. If you have friends you like to deliver goodies to, throw in a little bit of family caroling as well.
2. Read Favorite Books and Watch Movies
Just before bed by a warm, crackling fire is the perfect time to pull out a copy of your family’s favorite seasonal story. You can keep these nights simple or add to them with a special treat or some props that go along with the story. If you have a particularly active bunch, have them act out their favorite story one night. Every once in a while, throw in a favorite movie as well.
3. Get Outdoors
If you live in an area with snow, go sledding or skiing. If these options aren’t available to you, a day out in the yard building snowmen and having snowball fights will be just as memorable. Just remember to have the hot chocolate ready. If you are not blessed with snow, go to the city center to see Santa Clause and take a carriage ride.
4. Bless Others
This is a time of year where we often think about with everything we have been blessed with. A great way to spread that cheer is to find ways to give to others. Spend an afternoon with your family at a food bank or volunteer for sub for Santa. Another easy way is to have your kids donate any toys they no longer use to a charity or a toy drive. If you know of someone who has nowhere to go for the holidays, invite them to join your family’s festivities.
5. Look at Christmas Lights
Whether you celebrate Christmas or not, Christmas light displays are magical for children. Most civic centers offer some kind of display this time of year.
Christina Sanders writes for several blogs nationwide. For more information about edited movies, visit the preceeding link.