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Beyond A Hotel-Home Lodging In Barcelona Using AirBNB

If you’re traveling to Barcelona, you’re probably looking for a hotel to accommodate you during your travels. But instead of staying in a bland and uncomfortable hotel, why not enjoy the comforts of home by staying in a real home through AirBNB.
What is AirBNB?
AirBNB is a website that helps people locate homes to stay in while they travel. Users can peruse the AirBNB website and look for homes in areas that they plan to visit. Other users list their homes as being available for people to use if they come to their hometown.
What cities are covered with AirBNB?
AirBNB has members all over the world. They can accommodate guests in 192 countries and over 26,000 cities worldwide.
How long do I have to stay?
Every stay with AirBNB is different. If you need to find an apartment for one night or find a beautiful villa for an entire month, it’s all possible using AirBNB’s services. You simply need to look for a host who is willing to let you stay for as little or as long as you need.
How much does it cost?
Homeowners get to decide their own price points, so price will vary. Oftentimes, you can easily find a home or apartment for much less than what you’d expect to pay for hotels. If you are placing your home on the market, you can determine how much it will cost someone to rent your home. Plus, hosting on AirBNB allows you to earn some extra cash for just having a home in a city that people want to visit.
How do I find a home?
AirBNB is very easy to use, and you can simply search their website for homes in the area you wish to visit and within the price point you can afford to spend.
Why should I use AirBNB?
First, using a site like AirBNB can save you a significant amount of money on your trip. Instead of paying high hotel fees, you can easily rent a home for less money.
Using AirBNB also allows you to stay in a place that feels more like home. You’ll have all the amenities of your own house, including kitchens, multiple bathrooms and multiple bedrooms, so there’s no need to try and squeeze the family into one small hotel room with one tiny bathroom.
By renting a house, you also don’t have to deal with the public. You will not be subject to dealing with a noisy neighbor in your hotel, and you won’t have to share a pool with hundreds of other people. Instead, the entire house will be yours to use, and you can spend quality time with your family in the comfort of a home while enjoying a trip away from your real home.
You also get to build a relationship with the host. Before you stay at their home, you can email back and forth and find out which sights to see, which restaurants to dine at and which stores or other places you need to visit. This will give you an inside look at the town and allow you find all the great places and snag all the best deals without having to guess.
If you’re visiting Barcelona, or any other town or country, you should look into using AirBNB if you want to enjoy the comfort of home.
Julie Myers is a travel agent and avid blogger.  She loves to travel with her family and always uses Tripadvisor to plan their vacations.